Monday, 17 November 2008

stories in hand

Here is my Stories in Hand binder... I was up until 11pm on Saturday night, punching the last holes into it... (I finished the memo pad on Thursday night)

I put the diagram inside the front cover, and covered the inside with the papers from Jes... and the one with the butterflies is on the back...

I managed to modify the tabs for names (after a drama downloading one of the fonts), but had trouble modifying the "child" PDF... ended up just modifying the one file five times ~lol~

I'm really happy with how the binder turned out, and love the "sparks" provided - just need to find time to have a really good "snorkel" around them, before diving right in!

On a sad note, just had news from a friend in my mums group... she was due to give birth to her second bubba this Thursday - we haven't seen her for a couple of months, cause she developed gestational diabetes - went into labour last Friday evening, and when the hospital monitored bubba, they couldn't find a heart beat... he had died (they knew it was a boy)... she had to give birth to him on Saturday morning... my heart goes out to the family... please keep Lina and Sav and Amelia in your thoughts today as they work through this tough time.


  1. It looks gorgeous Cate!! I am yet to start mine.

  2. Hey Cate, can you tell me a little more about your binder and what the concept is about? Sounds really interesting!!!

    So sad to hear about your friend. Our niece was lost the same way. Hugs to your friends.



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